Gardening Tips for June.[K. Hichisson, LGC Chair.]
This winter and spring has beaten all sorts of records, the warmest winter on record with temperatures of 16c in January and temperatures colder in April than January. We had sleet the last Saturday in April and a week later it was 26c. Although you may think that April was cold, temperatures were slightly above average. Who knows what the summer will bring?
It is safe to plant out summer bedding now and if you still have bulbs in the ground dig these up now and place in trays to dry off ready to replant in autumn. This year I am trying something new for me I am growing vegetables and salad crops in containers. I know this has been tried many times before but not by me. I am already picking cut and come again lettuce and if they carry on as they have started we will be self-sufficient in lettuce.
I am currently also growing beetroot, carrots, potatoes, peppers, chilli, spring onions, strawberries, blueberries, courgettes, sweetcorn and tomatoes all in various containers.I am also doing an experiment growing potatoes from a single chit to see what sort of crop I will get. There are plenty of people growing flowers in tubs and baskets but not as many growing vegetables. I am not sure if they will all work but I am preparing this for a talk I am giving later in the year.
10 jobs to do in June
1. Plant up tubs and baskets with summer bedding.
2. If you planted early potatoes in April some varieties such as Swift will be ready to dig at the end of the month.
3. Water newly planted trees and shrubs.
4. Dead head Roses to encourage continual flowering.
5. Sow salad crops to get a continual supply of fresh salads.
6. Keep weeds down that will be competing for water, light and nutrients.
7. Mow lawns regularly but not too short if we get a drought.
8. Side shoot cordon tomatoes.
9. Keep an eye out for pest and disease and spray as necessary. Remember there are no sprays available to control diseases on fruit and vegetables for amateur use.
10. Prune stone fruits (Plums and Cherries)
10 plants to enjoy in June
1. Allium Cristophii
2. Delphinium
3. Digitals (Foxgloves)
4. Akebia Quinata (Chocolate Vine)
5. Cytisus (Broom)
6. Osteospermum
7. Festuca Glauca (Blue Fescue)
8. Santolina Chamaecyparissus (Cotton Lavender)
9. Stachys Byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’ (Lambs’ Ear)
10. Iris